Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blueberry muffin

akhirnya kesampean juga bikin nih muffin, padahal nyimpen resepnya uda berbulan2 yg lalu, tapi baru ke sampean bikin sekarang... cupu bgt yah, heheh.
ini resep didapet dari new idea magazine, australia. pas baca2 di cooking section nya dapet resep muffin yg super easy and simple so di coba deh, di jamin rasany moist n yummy deh ;)

2 cups self rising flour
1 cup blueberries (aku pake yg frozen blueberry)
1/2 cup caster sugar
2/3 cup milk
1 egg, lightly beaten
125 g butter, melted
icing sugar, to dust (aku ga pake)

~ preheat oven 180c. line a 12 hole muffin pan with muffin cup, or lightly spray with oil.
~ sift flour into a large bowl. stir in blueberries and sugar. make well in center of dry ingredients.
~ in a empty bowl or jug, blend together milk, butter, and egg. mix into dry ingredients until just combine (about 16 strokes)
~ spoon into pan 2/3 full. bake about 15-20min, until cooked when tested. cool on a wire rack. dust with icing sugar.

~ blueberry yg di pake bisa yg fresh ato yg frozen. kalo pake yg frozen blueberry nya jgn di thaw dl, biarin aja dlm keadaan ms beku. soalnya blueberry frozen lebih banyak juice nya pas di aduk di adonannya.
~ muffin yg uda jadi and dingin bisa di simpen di wadah kedap udara and di fridge jadinya ni muffin bisa awet sekitar 1mingguan.
~ supaya dapetin muffin moist liat disini

happy baking,

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